The politics of South Africa in a Nazi Victory scenario?

I know there is a thread about the politics of the United States in a Nazi Victory scenario, but I was wondering, what about South Africa? IIRC Nazi plans for Africa had it divided in three. The north would go to Italy, the Center would go to Germany, while the rest would go to an Afrikaner based racial state. These will likely never occur as I don't see Germany able to project power into Africa.

Also, the Union of South Africa was a British dominion, and under the control of the British at the time, so would a Apartheid republican South Africa even exist?
would a Apartheid republican South Africa even exist

I think the National Party would attempt to use the victory of the Nazis as proof that their racist ideology still has merit, but I doubt that would go down well in a mostly Crown-loyal colony.

IIRC Nazi plans for Africa had it divided in three. The north would go to Italy, the Center would go to Germany, while the rest would go to an Afrikaner based racial state.

Hitler's overall intentions for the future organization of Africa divided the continent into three overall. The northern third was to be assigned to its Italian ally, while the central part would fall under German rule. The remaining southern sector would be controlled by a pro-Nazi Afrikaner state built on racial grounds.[47] In early 1940 Foreign Minister Ribbentrop had communicated with South African leaders thought to be sympathetic to the Nazi cause, informing them that Germany was to reclaim its former colony of German South-West Africa, then a mandate of the Union of South Africa. South Africa was to be compensated by the territorial acquisitions of the British protectorates of Swaziland, Basutoland and Bechuanaland and the colony of Southern Rhodesia
It is very hard to imagine the Nazis successfully reestablishing Germany's colonial empire in Africa, and even if they do, it will happen entirely at the expense of outright losers like Belgium and France. They cannot really extract concessions from the United Kingdom beyond forcing them out of the war, so South Africa is going to remain firmly in the Allied camp. Now, should the Nazis try to govern places like the Congo in the same manner as envisioned for Eastern Europe in Generalplan Ost, this might take some Western pressure off of any Apartheid government, as they will look so much less bad in comparison.


I know there is a thread about the politics of the United States in a Nazi Victory scenario, but I was wondering, what about South Africa? IIRC Nazi plans for Africa had it divided in three. The north would go to Italy, the Center would go to Germany, while the rest would go to an Afrikaner based racial state. These will likely never occur as I don't see Germany able to project power into Africa.

Also, the Union of South Africa was a British dominion, and under the control of the British at the time, so would a Apartheid republican South Africa even exist?
It is very hard to imagine the Nazis successfully reestablishing Germany's colonial empire in Africa, and even if they do, it will happen entirely at the expense of outright losers like Belgium and France. They cannot really extract concessions from the United Kingdom beyond forcing them out of the war, so South Africa is going to remain firmly in the Allied camp.
do not think it can be dismissed out of hand, in a sense the colonial powers historically did not cooperate much?
under this scenario you have Italy, France, Spain, and Portugal with military forces in Africa (assuming the latter two join the bandwagon)

Germany (AH) waxed and waned over Africa, and depending on the circumstances may not even be involved? my speculation is always Belgian Congo (and even Belgium itself) could have been a bargaining chip with Vichy regime?