I have a feeling Ottoman decision to help Peter will come to bite them back in the ass someday. But can't really blame them, who wouldn’t take up on such opportunity.
Subbed, hoping for a Swedish settler colony ITTL - possibly something on the west coast of Australia, acknowledging that Bolt and the expedition planned by Gustav III has been well and truly butterflied.
Subbed, hoping for a Swedish settler colony ITTL - possibly something on the west coast of Australia, acknowledging that Bolt and the expedition planned by Gustav III has been well and truly butterflied.

And probably some colonies on Caribbean (in OTL Sweden owned some islands until 1860's) and perhaps participating to Scramble of Africa. There might be even small colonies on Nicobars like Denmark had pretty long in OTL.
Subbed, hoping for a Swedish settler colony ITTL - possibly something on the west coast of Australia, acknowledging that Bolt and the expedition planned by Gustav III has been well and truly butterflied.
I'd like to see Argentina, Australia and New Zealand colonised by the Swedish, but colonising Russia is a viable option too.
Well I just found and enjoyed what was written, I hope you return to it one day.

I really like that you knew of difference of quality in between the Swedish and Danish sailors for the time!
I do hope that King Augustus and his dyansty manages to keep his hold on the Commonwealth by crushing the szlachta. After all the Swedes need a rival to keep them on their toes, lest they get too complacent.

Hope the Russians get weakened enough that they stay put for quite a while and for once not be a problem for their neighbours.