TRSR: The Red Sun Rising

Awesome timeline. It's dystopia about how nuclear proliferation exists here reminds me of For All Time and Rumsfeldia.

Even more it reminds me of Patton in Korea/MacArthur in The White House.

One correction by the way, in 1950 the USAF SAC would have used more on the B-36 than the B-29. Of course, I would see the Peacemaker fly alongside the Superfortress during bombing raids on China.
What's the Philippines look like ITTL? Magsaysay's plane crash could be butterflied away so he can serve another term. This probably means no Marcos, or at least no Marcos dictatorship. I'd imagine that there's a small Philippine contingent fighting in China while Clark and Subic remain critical American bases.
There definitely will be a small Philippine contingent along side the American forces, and certainly because of the conflict the Americans will build up their military presence in the region. The Third republic definitely exists for sure without the Marcos dictatorship, but as always Philippines democracy is probably riddled with corruption and id imagine the military would be a powerful factor as wel
OTL had the Philippines send the PEFTOK contingent to Korea. Since this is post-1946, the Philippines would be host American ships, aircraft, and troops for the U.S. invasion of China and the defense of Taiwan. With the butterflies in check, I wonder if the Philippine government would allow SAC to land B-29s and B-36s in Clark or Nichols Field (OTL Villamor Air Base). IOTL, the Philippines is a nuclear-free zone so nuclear-armed bombers aren't permitted to land. However, with a different outcome with MacArthur in the White House, the Quirino government may allow it to happen.

Oh yes that definitely butterflies away anything recognizable after 1948-1951. Magsaysay might not even be the President here. Marcos may not run or will lose to Sergio Osmena Jr.
The whole dystopic nature of this TL got me thinking, where are the resistance groups to said Western governments? I get that there is one against the Soviets but there hasn't been much said about those that oppose the governments of the West (plus those in the East aligned with them); besides it's not hard to imagine what kind of groups are politically.

Edit: Watched btw.
Awesome timeline. It's dystopia about how nuclear proliferation exists here reminds me of For All Time and Rumsfeldia.

Even more it reminds me of Patton in Korea/MacArthur in The White House.

One correction by the way, in 1950 the USAF SAC would have used more on the B-36 than the B-29. Of course, I would see the Peacemaker fly alongside the Superfortress during bombing raids on China.

OTL had the Philippines send the PEFTOK contingent to Korea. Since this is post-1946, the Philippines would be host American ships, aircraft, and troops for the U.S. invasion of China and the defense of Taiwan. With the butterflies in check, I wonder if the Philippine government would allow SAC to land B-29s and B-36s in Clark or Nichols Field (OTL Villamor Air Base). IOTL, the Philippines is a nuclear-free zone so nuclear-armed bombers aren't permitted to land. However, with a different outcome with MacArthur in the White House, the Quirino government may allow it to happen.

Oh yes that definitely butterflies away anything recognizable after 1948-1951. Magsaysay might not even be the President here. Marcos may not run or will lose to Sergio Osmena Jr.
Thanks for liking the dystopian feeling of it all! I appreciate the tidbit about the bombers, that’s helpful!

You’ve just inspired me to read about those timelines you’ve mentioned! And yeah while I don’t have the firmest grasp on the Philippines history, it’s safe to say a lot of stuff will have been butterflied out especially in relation to Marcos.
The whole dystopic nature of this TL got me thinking, where are the resistance groups to said Western governments? I get that there is one against the Soviets but there hasn't been much said about those that oppose the governments of the West (plus those in the East aligned with them); besides it's not hard to imagine what kind of groups are politically.

Edit: Watched btw.
Dontcha worry, I plan on mentioning such groups in my next post and throughout the stories I will try to mention them more.
But you do have a point, I definitely should’ve mentioned more of pushback to the authoritative regime in America, and Great Britain which compromises more left leaning organizations, especially in the UK where labor-government relations have deteriorated beyond repair. I’ll try to improve upon that, and mention them more. Anyhow I appreciate your interest!
Dontcha worry, I plan on mentioning such groups in my next post and throughout the stories I will try to mention them more.
But you do have a point, I definitely should’ve mentioned more of pushback to the authoritative regime in America, and Great Britain which compromises more left leaning organizations, especially in the UK where labor-government relations have deteriorated beyond repair. I’ll try to improve upon that, and mention them more. Anyhow I appreciate your interest!
I suppose that along with violent/organized resistance groups against such a war, would you also go with oppressed groups? Having a single-party wartime government for 40 years in the USA does not bode well for the Civil Rights movement (especially with so many members being either real or perceived communists just like OTL) or other labor movements.
The Red Sun Rising - Lights...Camera...Action! - #FNN1

The Red Sun Rising

Lights…Camera…Action! - #FNN1


(opening FNN theme music)

Starts with the usual establishing shot of the Douglas MacArthur memorial

News anchor (voice-over): ” Wherever you may be, I am proud to welcome y’all to the Freedom News Network, America’s only uncensored media channel broadcasting all hours of the day! I am your host William Clinton and THANK YOU for joining us today!”

The establishing shot fades into the studio background as the anchorman is revealed to the audience.

WILL (on camera): “Good morning to Americans everywhere, and let’s get right into it. Today begins with a developing story from the state of California...”

(cut to footage of a peaceful protest)

WILL (v.o): “A large group of college students have begun to start a riot just outside of the Pasadena headquarters of Reagan Atomic Energies, in response to alleged reports of radiation contamination from their Lancaster plant.”

(cutback to WILL at the anchor desk)

WILL (v.o): “Our own Lucy Leeds is live at the scene. Lucy tell us what the environment is like out there?”

(cut to LUCY LEEDS standing in front of the protesters with a microphone in hand)

LUCY: “The rioters seem to be out of control, they are chaining themselves to the company’s fence while shouting absurd statements about how Reagan Energies is poisoning the Southern California Water Supply. Simply a notion built upon false facts, if these protes–”

LUCY pauses for a moment to correct herself

LUCY: “ – rioters did their proper research, they would know the Californian Department of Health has deemed radiation levels to be lower compared to elsewhere in the country.”

(cut to a shot of protestors graffitiing a statue of the company's CEO Ronald Reagan)

LUCY: “As you can see the students here have begun damaging private property, showing just how uncivilized this crowd has become.”

Several protestors enter the frame, one of them wearing the iconic leather Black Panther uniform taking the microphone from away LUCY

PROTESTORS: “ Stop fuckers like Reagan from robbing us of our earth and profiting off of war!”

LUCY, frantically trying to grab it back: “Hey this is a live broadcast, give it bac–”

PROTESTOR: “Ronald stop aiding the nuclear genocide in China! McDonald stop killing citizens in Alabama and in the streets of Los Angeles!"

LUCY: “For fucks sake Jerry turn off the camera”

PROTESTOR: "Wake up people! See what they are doing!”

(cut to the sound of TV static and fuzz)

(after a second, the broadcast cuts back to WILL, who looks caught off guard)

WILL (on camera): “Simply unbelievable… I hope our reporter Lucy Leeds is okay, and I’m so sorry to all my viewers that you had to see that. But you need to know the truth people… that is how COMMUNISTS ACT! VIOLENTLY and without reason! Spreading their Marxist falsehoods through FORCE!”

WILL: “What has our college system come to, to the point where they allow such anti-American sentiment to grow on campus? The leftist agenda might try to shut me down for this. I know I know I'm supposed to be just a reporter but I can no longer stay silent while violence like this continues to grow among our youth. I demand that the government INVESTIGATE these so-called places of higher education, because from that video I see no education, all I see is the ‘high’ part. As you can see they are a breeding ground for Maoist and unchristian-like ideas that radicalize America’s innocent youth.”

WILL: “I know that was an unprofessional outburst, but I will never apologize to you for speaking the truth. I will make sure to update you with live developments coming out of Pasadena.
So stay tuned after the commercial break, where more exciting news stories are on the horizon such as President McDonald’s upcoming defense summit in Japan, and an interview with the Austrian oak himself Arnold Schwarzenegger!”


“What the fuck was that!?” Will shouted at the news team. The young anchor clapped in the air and motioned at me,” You, hot stuff, go fetch me a cup of coffee, black.” I was about to speak up that I wasn’t an intern before my boss Rob glared at me to fetch the coffee. Defeated, I walked back to the coffee station while Will went off on a rant.

Continuing Will rambled with his iconic Arkansan accent, “Y’all better be glad I can make shit up just like that,” snapping his fingers,” what a fucking mess, I want that bitch Lucy to be fired. Wait no scratch that, that would be too kind, send her to our Anchorage station instead. Because seriously guys remember one of the golden rules of broadcasting. No swearing in front of the fucking camera do y’all understand me?”

The anchorman shook his head, “Jesus Christ…. It’s like talking to a bunch of buffoons. This is why we always pre-record events like this, never and I mean never go on air when you have unpredictable factors like this you fucking understand me, Rob?” The room went dead silent, with the only sound coming from me filling up the coffee.

The awkward silence caused me to panic internally, with me staring at the coffee machine intensely as if to allow the coffee to pour itself faster. I thought to myself finally, oh finally, the coffee filled itself. Grabbing the hot FNN-branded cup, I swore to myself after realizing how scalding hot it was. I looked up from my coffee station with the cup in hand, only to realize that everyone was looking at me. I awkwardly dodged all the lights and camera equipment as I made my way towards the news desk. Setting down the cup of coffee, Will greeted me with a half-flirty smile,” Thank you, Miss…”

“Miss Samantha Graves sir..”
I let out nervously.

Will turned his attention back to the camera crew,” See Miss Graves over here, is the only one who understands her role around here. So follow her example and don’t be yourselves and act like fucking idiots, an intern is doing a better job than you right now!”

Rob would pique up,” Mr. Clinton uh… Miss Graves isn’t an intern, she was reassigned from her anchorwoman position in Seattle to your show’s co-host starting next week, that’s the orders from the top brass.”

Will’s expression turned from one of rage to embarrassment, as he began to apologize,” Well uh sorry that you had to see me like that Miss Graves, it’s been quite a rough day as you could hear. My mistake for calling you an intern.”

Will was interrupted by the cameraman,” Commercial Break over in 30 seconds!”

Finishing up his conversation,” Miss Graves I’ll talk to you later. If your behavior today showed anything, you’ll be a great co-host. And now uh Rob tell me these things ahead of time okay? Don’t embarrass the poor lady here and don’t make her do things beneath her qualifications.”

I gave a half-appreciated nod to Will, who flashed a smile back. I thought to myself, I should've stayed in Seattle. Then the cameraman interrupted my thoughts counting down,” We are live in 10 ... .9 ... .8 ... .7 ... .6…5…4…3..2..1!”

“Welcome back to FNN, I’m your host William Clinton, and here’s today’s news….”

The Red Sun Rising

Lights…Camera…Action! - #FNN1

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(opening FNN theme music)

Starts with the usual establishing shot of the Douglas MacArthur memorial

News anchor (voice-over): ” Wherever you may be, I am proud to welcome y’all to the Freedom News Network, America’s only uncensored media channel broadcasting all hours of the day! I am your host William Clinton and THANK YOU for joining us today!”

The establishing shot fades into the studio background as the anchorman is revealed to the audience.

WILL (on camera): “Good morning to Americans everywhere, and let’s get right into it. Today begins with a developing story from the state of California...”

(cut to footage of a peaceful protest)

WILL (v.o): “A large group of college students have begun to start a riot just outside of the Pasadena headquarters of Reagan Atomic Energies, in response to alleged reports of radiation contamination from their Lancaster plant.”

(cutback to WILL at the anchor desk)

WILL (v.o): “Our own Lucy Leeds is live at the scene. Lucy tell us what the environment is like out there?”

(cut to LUCY LEEDS standing in front of the protesters with a microphone in hand)

LUCY: “The rioters seem to be out of control, they are chaining themselves to the company’s fence while shouting absurd statements about how Reagan Energies is poisoning the Southern California Water Supply. Simply a notion built upon false facts, if these protes–”

LUCY pauses for a moment to correct herself

LUCY: “ – rioters did their proper research, they would know the Californian Department of Health has deemed radiation levels to be lower compared to elsewhere in the country.”

(cut to a shot of protestors graffitiing a statue of the company's CEO Ronald Reagan)

LUCY: “As you can see the students here have begun damaging private property, showing just how uncivilized this crowd has become.”

Several protestors enter the frame, one of them wearing the iconic leather Black Panther uniform taking the microphone from away LUCY

PROTESTORS: “ Stop fuckers like Reagan from robbing us of our earth and profiting off of war!”

LUCY, frantically trying to grab it back: “Hey this is a live broadcast, give it bac–”

PROTESTOR: “Ronald stop aiding the nuclear genocide in China! McDonald stop killing citizens in Alabama and in the streets of Los Angeles!"

LUCY: “For fucks sake Jerry turn off the camera”

PROTESTOR: "Wake up people! See what they are doing!”

(cut to the sound of TV static and fuzz)

(after a second, the broadcast cuts back to WILL, who looks caught off guard)

WILL (on camera): “Simply unbelievable… I hope our reporter Lucy Leeds is okay, and I’m so sorry to all my viewers that you had to see that. But you need to know the truth people… that is how COMMUNISTS ACT! VIOLENTLY and without reason! Spreading their Marxist falsehoods through FORCE!”

WILL: “What has our college system come to, to the point where they allow such anti-American sentiment to grow on campus? The leftist agenda might try to shut me down for this. I know I know I'm supposed to be just a reporter but I can no longer stay silent while violence like this continues to grow among our youth. I demand that the government INVESTIGATE these so-called places of higher education, because from that video I see no education, all I see is the ‘high’ part. As you can see they are a breeding ground for Maoist and unchristian-like ideas that radicalize America’s innocent youth.”

WILL: “I know that was an unprofessional outburst, but I will never apologize to you for speaking the truth. I will make sure to update you with live developments coming out of Pasadena.
So stay tuned after the commercial break, where more exciting news stories are on the horizon such as President McDonald’s upcoming defense summit in Japan, and an interview with the Austrian oak himself Arnold Schwarzenegger!”

View attachment 878508
“What the fuck was that!?” Will shouted at the news team. The young anchor clapped in the air and motioned at me,” You, hot stuff, go fetch me a cup of coffee, black.” I was about to speak up that I wasn’t an intern before my boss Rob glared at me to fetch the coffee. Defeated, I walked back to the coffee station while Will went off on a rant.

Continuing Will rambled with his iconic Arkansan accent, “Y’all better be glad I can make shit up just like that,” snapping his fingers,” what a fucking mess, I want that bitch Lucy to be fired. Wait no scratch that, that would be too kind, send her to our Anchorage station instead. Because seriously guys remember one of the golden rules of broadcasting. No swearing in front of the fucking camera do y’all understand me?”

The anchorman shook his head, “Jesus Christ…. It’s like talking to a bunch of buffoons. This is why we always pre-record events like this, never and I mean never go on air when you have unpredictable factors like this you fucking understand me, Rob?” The room went dead silent, with the only sound coming from me filling up the coffee.

The awkward silence caused me to panic internally, with me staring at the coffee machine intensely as if to allow the coffee to pour itself faster. I thought to myself finally, oh finally, the coffee filled itself. Grabbing the hot FNN-branded cup, I swore to myself after realizing how scalding hot it was. I looked up from my coffee station with the cup in hand, only to realize that everyone was looking at me. I awkwardly dodged all the lights and camera equipment as I made my way towards the news desk. Setting down the cup of coffee, Will greeted me with a half-flirty smile,” Thank you, Miss…”

“Miss Samantha Graves sir..”
I let out nervously.

Will turned his attention back to the camera crew,” See Miss Graves over here, is the only one who understands her role around here. So follow her example and don’t be yourselves and act like fucking idiots, an intern is doing a better job than you right now!”

Rob would pique up,” Mr. Clinton uh… Miss Graves isn’t an intern, she was reassigned from her anchorwoman position in Seattle to your show’s co-host starting next week, that’s the orders from the top brass.”

Will’s expression turned from one of rage to embarrassment, as he began to apologize,” Well uh sorry that you had to see me like that Miss Graves, it’s been quite a rough day as you could hear. My mistake for calling you an intern.”

Will was interrupted by the cameraman,” Commercial Break over in 30 seconds!”

Finishing up his conversation,” Miss Graves I’ll talk to you later. If your behavior today showed anything, you’ll be a great co-host. And now uh Rob tell me these things ahead of time okay? Don’t embarrass the poor lady here and don’t make her do things beneath her qualifications.”

I gave a half-appreciated nod to Will, who flashed a smile back. I thought to myself, I should've stayed in Seattle. Then the cameraman interrupted my thoughts counting down,” We are live in 10 ... .9 ... .8 ... .7 ... .6…5…4…3..2..1!”

“Welcome back to FNN, I’m your host William Clinton, and here’s today’s news….”
I like the idea of Clinton as a TV host, seems cool
I suppose that along with violent/organized resistance groups against such a war, would you also go with oppressed groups? Having a single-party wartime government for 40 years in the USA does not bode well for the Civil Rights movement (especially with so many members being either real or perceived communists just like OTL) or other labor movements.
Yeah, civil rights will be set back in this timeline. With attempts to pass the civil rights act of 1964 being stalled or filibustered. As republicans court southern conservatives, this will effectively prevent any civil rights legislation from being passed for decades. Also I’d imagine people like MLK and such would be arrested or investigated by the HUAC. Organisations against the government would be of the leftist variety as I could see organised resistance from blacks in the south and radicals in cities. I plan on writing a chapter soon about organised resistance in the United States eventually
Yeah, civil rights will be set back in this timeline. With attempts to pass the civil rights act of 1964 being stalled or filibustered. As republicans court southern conservatives, this will effectively prevent any civil rights legislation from being passed for decades. Also I’d imagine people like MLK and such would be arrested or investigated by the HUAC. Organisations against the government would be of the leftist variety as I could see organised resistance from blacks in the south and radicals in cities. I plan on writing a chapter soon about organised resistance in the United States eventually
I guess parties reward their support bases. With the coalition backing the ruling party likely not being a big fan of civil rights, it only makes sense that would be set back, especially as any governing power needs to find some way to please its support base or tend to their concerns, no matter what that support base actually is.
Yeah, civil rights will be set back in this timeline. With attempts to pass the civil rights act of 1964 being stalled or filibustered. As republicans court southern conservatives, this will effectively prevent any civil rights legislation from being passed for decades. Also I’d imagine people like MLK and such would be arrested or investigated by the HUAC. Organisations against the government would be of the leftist variety as I could see organised resistance from blacks in the south and radicals in cities. I plan on writing a chapter soon about organised resistance in the United States eventually
Frankly I can see some concessions made in terms of social progress, on what the government considers such, if only to keep the public from turning to the radicals; although it doesn't mean that the USA would be on part with OTL's in terms of that anytime soon given what you said. Also, it would be oddly ironic that the universities do end up fueling said radicals of various left-wing varieties, communist or not.
Finally just caught up with this TL and I have to say that this is one of the most interesting Cold War TL's I have ever read with its focus on the people living in the world and how they live their lives there. Can't help but be immersed as I read every installment of this grimdark TL.

Anyways, I am hoping there could be more stories and perspectives set in this world aside from the one with the news reporter. and keep up the good work.
Update on progress for y’all!

Sorry for the delays and such! It’s been a busy year for me so far, with tons of exams and such at school. After early May I should be able to get back to writing and make weekly posts then! In the meantime I’ll try to make one post this month, I appreciate y’all’s patience!
Update on progress for y’all!

Sorry for the delays and such! It’s been a busy year for me so far, with tons of exams and such at school. After early May I should be able to get back to writing and make weekly posts then! In the meantime I’ll try to make one post this month, I appreciate y’all’s patience!
Best of luck man!