We Shall Fight Them On The Beaches: A UK HOI AAR


And did those feet in ancient time,
Walk upon England's mountains green?
And was the holy lamb of god
On England's pleasant pastures seen?

January 1, 1936. Storm clouds were gathering over Europe.

Britain's empire stretched across the globe...


From darkest Africa...


To the majesty of India...


To it's most loyal dominions.


However, this was an empire in decline.
Part One: A New King, A New Era


The new government, led by Neville Chamberlain, immediately began the industrialization of the midlands, to benefit the British economy and help the nation out of the depression.


However, that was not the only problem facing Britain and its empire. Nationalist and Fascist movements had engulfed the world. A new era was dawning, and Britain must secure herself.


HM Government began a policy of reinforcing the empire, to protect it against threats such as Japan, Germany, Italy and the USSR.


Unfortunately, terrible news shook the young government, and left Britain in shock. George V had died. The man who led Britain through the Great War and upheld its empire was now dead. In an uncertain world, Britain looked to new leadership to inspire and turn the nation around.


King Edward VIII

The King is dead. Long live the King!


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Part Two: Strife and Civil War


On the 11th of March, Germany remilitarized the Rhineland. Hitler sent his troops to retake the demilitarized zone and took the world by storm. PM Chamberlain hurriedly delivered a statement of condemnation. However, mere words cannot stop the jack heeled boot of oppression.


Even more worrying, the following month, Spain erupted into civil war. A Nationalist coup dragged the country into violence. Britain immediately sent a brigade of troops to reinforce the Rock of Gibraltar against outside threat. Otherwise, no actions were made, Britain urged a peaceful solution to the conflict, but avoided direct military action. Chamberlain would later regret having not intervened to protect the Spanish democracy.


In response to the global turmoil, the Government initiated a policy of limited conscription. This policy would help reduce unemployment and give young men valuable experience and discipline. The policy was popular, and the economy and moral of Britain was steadily improving.

Britain had roared back into life by the end of 1936. Industry, both civilian and military were flourishing again. Morale and patriotism were high. Britain was cultivating good relationships with France and America. Chamberlain was popular, the empire was secure once more.


Then scandal hit. And Edward VIII, the young king, abdicated. A shock to all Britons, Edward had resigned his birth right so that he may a marry a commoner!

Overall 1936 was year of chaos and turmoil that rocked Britain and the world. Britain had lost two Kings in one year. Germany, Spain and Italy were heading down militaristic paths. Storm clouds were gathering, and whilst the Prime Minister prayed for peace, in the future he only saw war...​
Part Three: A New King, A New Year


The Olympic Games held a symbolic value in these times. An event of world peace, in a time of global strife. 1936 eventually gave way to 1937, and with a new year, came a new King.


George VI

God Save The King!


The Nationalists proclaimed victory in the Spanish Civil War. General Franco and his nationalist movement had overthrown Spain's fragile democracy and ushered in a new order in Spain. Another nation of dubious relations on the continent was not a good thing, but it was hoped that Spain would remain neutral and remain content with its current lands.

Chamberlain met Franco to calm tensions.


Italy had recently signed the treaty of Addis Ababa, cementing their control over Ethiopia.

And now, tensions were rising in East Asia between Japan and China. Worrying signs for the world indeed.

Britain made sure to fortify its Asian holdings, and Chamberlain made it a priority to secure Singapore, and the jewel of Asia, Hong Kong, from assault. The "Burma Road" was also established to aid China and contain Japanese ambitions.


Some more light hearted news. Amelia Earhart had circumnavigated the world. Despite difficulty, this was indeed an historic occasion for aviation, and for women!

(OOC: First major butterfly, Amelia Earhart survives her trip around the world).


Eventually, PM Chamberlain had no choice but to take proactive steps to avoid war in Europe. Military Intelligence was instructed to organize clandestine aid to democratic movements in Germany, Italy, Spain and the USSR. Stalin's purges were of concern, and Mussolini's bold declaration that Yugoslavia belonged to Italy prompted this decision.


WAR! China and Japan were at war, world tensions were boiling over. The SIS was instructed to organize resistance movements in Japan and Manchuria to disrupt the offensive and contain Japanese aggression. Openly, Chamberlain urged peace and flew to Tokyo and to Nanking to alleviate worries of an escalation in the pacific.


The Burma road helped the Chinese in their struggle against Japanese aggression.


As the year drew to a conclusion, Britain announced in an extraordinary statement that they were guaranteeing French independence from continental aggression. Careful to avoid entangling Britain in the alliances that led to the last war, Chamberlain nevertheless made this move to dissuade German aggression and proactively prevent escalation in Europe.

A fascinating year indeed. The first women to circumnavigate the world, the outbreak of war in Asia. Chamberlain remain popular, Britain was recovering quick from the depression and full recovery was anticipated by the end of the decade.

1938 had begun, and Chamberlain's government would face new and unprecedented challenges in the new year...​


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Why are you guaranteeing France? They join the Allies anyway and it lowers world tension, which favors the Germans.