What alternate history ideas you wish they were used more often?

Not 19th century, but 20th in my case-- I have it planned for The Finite Is The Infinite that the Russian Empire is taken over by Eurasianists in the 1940s, who overthrow the Tsar and set up an expansionist dictatorship which seeks to bring all of continental Europe and Asia under its control, eventually kickstarting TTL's analogue of world war II-- state-mandated Slavic neo-paganism is one thing I'm considering for it.
Also reminds me of that one guy who proposed a TL where Revolutionary France goes full paganist with Napoleon taking his cosplay of French Caesar deadly serious
The UK/British Empire buying or taking Russian Alaska and incorporating it into "Canada"
Again, one thing I'm working on for The Finite Is The Infinite-- it becomes a foreign policy project of the Russian Empire during the 1860s and 70s to contain the USA on the international stage, due to Alexander II's opposition to slavery (ITTL, the Republican Party never forms, so the Whigs decline into political irrelevancy, and the Democrats dominate the politics of the 1860s, one of their policies ITTL being the expansion of slavery into the territories)-- not wanting slavery exported to Alaska, Alexander II sells Alaska to the British instead, despite tensions over the Great Game.
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Speaking of the Qing, I think the Jin(aka the OG Manchu Dynasty) is underrated

Like yeah they were a bunch of assholes, but its comical how often they get shafted so that the Mongol Empire, the Ming or a Industrial Song can shine

And I get it, all these three are cool and people prefer them over the OTL Qing, but I still think they had potential

This is why one of my TL ideas for when Im done with Empress of Egypt is one about the Jin absorbing the Song and unifying China as the "Qing" centuries earlier than IOTL by having a better(read - less dickerish) foreign policy that pays off for them in the long run
How about for Shun Dynasty?
Speaking of Pagans, I'd love to see Ghana or the Yoruba or Mossi ETC, remain powerful Pagan states or even expansive empires in their own right.

Also low key I want Mali to invade Europe post Blake Plague as they were barely impacted but Europe was utterly reeling.

Honestly, West African nations being more involved in European/,Middle Eastern politics in general.
The problem is that they'd have to go through not only the Sahara but the North African states too to do that.
This is indeed true facts, though I think there's a couple ways it could work.

1: They are allies of the Marinid & Emirate of Granada, the former of which they did have diplomatic contact with so its kind of a joint effort.
2: The Marinid do something to really piss Mali off and get the full force of their 100 thousand strong army with 10 thousand strong cavalry (Well more like half of it, but you get the idea) and they kinda just keep conquering.
How about a TL where the early collapse of the Ottoman Empire doesn't result in the Christians getting Constantinople back.
How about a TL where the early collapse of the Ottoman Empire doesn't result in the Christians getting Constantinople back.
Was reading about the ottoman rebellions today as material for one of the ASB TLs I was working on and found that there was a Safavid one that was ultimately suppressed


This one

I dont plan to use it since I have something else in mind, but it would work for your suggestion since if the ottomans lost and the rebels achieved their goals the empire would have been replaced with a Shia dynasty that may have pursued unification with Safavid Persia

Thus, no Christian Constantinople, but a Persian Istanbul instead
Was reading about the ottoman rebellions today as material for one of the ASB TLs I was working on and found that there was a Safavid one that was ultimately suppressed


This one

I dont plan to use it since I have something else in mind, but it would work for your suggestion since if the ottomans lost and the rebels achieved their goals the empire would have been replaced with a Shia dynasty that may have pursued unification with Safavid Persia

Thus, no Christian Constantinople, but a Persian Istanbul instead
Wow, I'm looking at a map of Safavid Persia and if Sahkulu had actually united Persia with the Ottoman Empire of his time he would have rivaled the Mongol Empire at it's apex in terms of sheer size, especially if it expanded the way the Ottomans did in RL.

I'm not a map maker, but the image in my mind is effing MASSIVE!

This would have been not only a Shia!Wank, quite possibly it could have turned into a Habsburg/Catholic!Screw since a future invasion by this Mega!Safavid Empire would have wiped the floor with them at the Siege of Vienna.
Wow, I'm looking at a map of Safavid Persia and if Sahkulu had actually united Persia with the Ottoman Empire of his time he would have rivaled the Mongol Empire at it's apex in terms of sheer size, especially if it expanded the way the Ottomans did in RL.

I'm not a map maker, but the image in my mind is effing MASSIVE!

This would have been not only a Shia!Wank, quite possibly it could have turned into a Habsburg/Catholic!Screw since a future invasion by this Mega!Safavid Empire would have wiped the floor with them at the Siege of Vienna.

in reality if we take into account the problems that the Safavids will have in governing and consolidate their hold in the Ex Ottomans territories ( between Orthodox Christians and Sunni Muslims, with the latter being forced to accept a Shiite Shas ) without to forget the role of the still independent Mamluks and Venice / Portugal interests in the area , in the long run it can become a TL really good for the Habsburgs, as they will have plenty of time to concentrate on one war front ( France and any Protestants ) and to prepare for when this powerful but very slow Goliath ( always if Safavid don't collapse under the weight of holding together this territory too far away and exposed to enemy attacks with respect to their central nucleus ) can move against Europe / Western Mediterranean ( I think the Habsburgs will have a simpler life than Otl )
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How about a TL where the early collapse of the Ottoman Empire doesn't result in the Christians getting Constantinople back.
I may never get around to doing it, but my Trebizond TL had the Ottomans losing most of Anatolia, Serbia and Morea to a Venetian-Aq Qoyunlu-Hungarian alliance in the 1470s, only to claw it all back by 1540 similarly to their OTL recovery after 1402/Ankara.
Wow, I'm looking at a map of Safavid Persia and if Sahkulu had actually united Persia with the Ottoman Empire of his time he would have rivaled the Mongol Empire at it's apex in terms of sheer size, especially if it expanded the way the Ottomans did in RL.

I'm not a map maker, but the image in my mind is effing MASSIVE!

This would have been not only a Shia!Wank, quite possibly it could have turned into a Habsburg/Catholic!Screw since a future invasion by this Mega!Safavid Empire would have wiped the floor with them at the Siege of Vienna.
in reality if we take into account the problems that the Safavids will have in governing and consolidate their hold in the Ex Ottomans territories ( between Orthodox Christians and Sunni Muslims, with the latter being forced to accept a Shiite Shas ) without to forget the role of the still independent Mamluks and Venice / Portugal interests in the area , in the long run it can become a TL really good for the Habsburgs, as they will have plenty of time to concentrate on one war front ( France and any Protestants ) and to prepare for when this powerful but very slow Goliath ( always if Safavid don't collapse under the weight of holding together this territory too far away and exposed to enemy attacks with respect to their central nucleus ) can move against Europe / Western Mediterranean ( I think the Habsburgs will have a simpler life than Otl )
I guess it shows the versality of the scenario, you can either go mega Shia wank or have them get screwed by the overstretch in the long run
How about a TL where the early collapse of the Ottoman Empire doesn't result in the Christians getting Constantinople back.
That's what I wanted to do in my timeline.
The Ottoman Empire collapsed in the mid-17th century, but with Europe and the Christian powers not as far ahead as they were in the 19th century, the Islamic world was left with indigenous powers fighting each other, with European interference only on its periphery.
Speaking of the Qing, I think the Jin(aka the OG Manchu Dynasty) is underrated
I've wondered what that would look like. Probably more complex than just an early version of Yuan.

I don't think Yuan gets enough love since they just get treated as an extension of the Mongols rather than a Chinese dynasty in their own right. It's too bad too, since they were just finding their footing when they got a severe crisis and a few bad choices led to a total collapse.

One interesting POD would be averting the Incident at Nanpo. Supposedly the future Yesun Temur knew of the plot and tried to warn the Emperor, Gegeen Khan, so maybe he feels he benefits more by being the one to save his life instead of let some faction assassinate him. Gegeen was a Sinicized Confucian who very much was interested in harmonizing and reforming the state, and even in his youth and short reign already had some notable accomplishments.

He was only 21 when he died. If he lived as long as his father (who for that matter had similar policies), he'd have another 13 years to implement reforms and streamlining the Yuan, although unfortunately he'd still be left with an 10-12 year old heir. If he lived as long as either of his great-uncles, then he'd last until the early-mid 1340s and either be confrontating the disasters himself or pass the throne to his son who would hopefully would be well set up to deal with those challenges and suppress the inevitable rebellions. If his son is a good ruler, then it's possible the Yuan last for quite some time. They had a lot of different interest groups so wouldn't be as insular or strict neo-Confucians like Ming, so maybe a better China overall.
I don't think Yuan gets enough love since they just get treated as an extension of the Mongols rather than a Chinese dynasty in their own right. It's too bad too, since they were just finding their footing when they got a severe crisis and a few bad choices led to a total collapse
Its weird too with how sinicized they got
Like you'd expect a mongol dynasty to do cool things like make horse riding obligatory to the nobility and implement the meritocratic loyalty-based system that Temujin used in China, perhaps even make Tengri the head of the chinese pantheon
But weirdly enough they did the exactly opposite and became just a worse Song, but for some reason they're seen as more mongolian than chinese by writers
Its weird too with how sinicized they got
Like you'd expect a mongol dynasty to do cool things like make horse riding obligatory to the nobility and implement the meritocratic loyalty-based system that Temujin used in China, perhaps even make Tengri the head of the chinese pantheon
But weirdly enough they did the exactly opposite and became just a worse Song, but for some reason they're seen as more mongolian than chinese by writers
Because the Chinese themselves + the endeavors of the Ming Yuan Dynasty became associated with the Mongolian continuation rather than the Chinese.
The Holy Roman Empire surviving to present day, fragmented statelets and all. I've only seen it done properly once, the rest were just Big Germany with a different name.
An Alt Hist that aren't used so often or rarely if ever and that would be worth to explore could be some of the multiple French revolutionary process or the French First Republic wars/politics pod. Also, and related pods about a non Napoleon revolutionary France, butterflying the first empire with either that the then general Bonaparte that would either in the way to Egypt or back to France would have been captured by the Royal Navy, even a failed 18 Brumaire (Napoleon coup)...
Following what Xenophonte said
Something I consider unexplored is the Revolution taking in another country that isnt Britain or France, like a Spanish or Polish Revolution

Same for an analogous of the American Independence, something I liked about Look to the West is that instead of America you had the Societist "Argentina"(?) be the one to estabilish the pattern to be followed

Like imagine how awesome it'd be if we had a TL where something like the Philippines or Indonesia creates that world's equivalent of America