What are some exotic or non traditional pets that could have become commonplace?

Reindeer? Not that different from owning a horse/pony, from what I could find. There's the Santa angle too, so something to gain popularity from.


Woodchucks - chubby first cousins to rabbits. They're vegetarian with broad tastes, so feeding them shouldn't be an issue. Some can be a bit "testy" so several generations of selective breeding would be needed.

Raccoons - They do appear on the fringes of pet-dom in parts of North America. They're omnivorous, but like with woodchucks, some can be very testy and they don't always play nice with other small animals.

Ocelots - some exist on the fringes of pet-dom for a long time.
And an extremely specialized diet.

I know/have known people with both. Hedgehogs are pretty quiet, and the squirrels are obnoxiously inquisitive.

Main problem with any bird as a pet is that they have no control of their waste elimination. I know someone with a pet duck (Housebroken) and it has to wear a duck diaper in the house. It's not a decisive factor, but it is one that has to be considered.
Hedgehogs can be extraordinarily noisy in breeding season. Think snuffling demons on crack angel dust and LSD all at once.
Foxes are also very noisy when it's time to impress the other foxes.
Praying Mantis were seen as a good luck symbol in Khoisan culture. It was said that seeing a Mantis was a good sign for shepherds and scouts. In a TL where the Khoisan become a major power could we see Mantis’s being kept in jars or terrariums in many people’s homes. They might become a Khoisan equivalent to goldfish.
Not really exotic, but pigs could be really common and have much more different breeds for domestic/urban pets. A POD might be that christianism still upholds the ban on eating pork that it had during it's early days, I mean, even today there are christian sects that maintain this habit.
Intresting ideas here. But some have problems.

Hippos are far too large and violent. They are one of most lethal animals in Africa. Chimps are too extremely violent. Koalas are really difficult animals. They eat only leaves of eucalyptus. And making that even harder these are just complete morons with they food. If you put plate with leaves of eucalyptus they don't realise that it is food. They just realise food when it is attached on trees.

But some intresting idesa what has not mebntioned. Foxes might are intresting. Altough not sure what niche they could fill what dogs already don't beside just bit different pet. But in other hand they are probably better on rodent control than dogs but I don't know are they any better than cats. Another could be squirrel. Bit similar than rat but perhaps lives bit longer. And there could be hedgehogs too.
I know several people who own or have had pet hedge hogs :)

Along with pet ferrets :)

But not at the same time :)
Reindeer? Not that different from owning a horse/pony, from what I could find. There's the Santa angle too, so something to gain popularity from.

I visited some one once who has pet Reindeer :)

I don’t recall if they were completely caged in or not :)
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It doesn't have to be at the level of say dogs or cats but it has to be relatively normal for everyday people to own.
I seem to recall coming across a few references of people having American Badgers and Civet cats as pets (probably not at the same time..)

I don't think either would be a great choice (or even legal in some if not most places ?) but there may be some interest from some people ?
The problem is there are very very good reasons we have the pets we have and don’t have those we don’t,
Usially it is that the other animals are Dangerous and often very difficult to kerp as far as food and other factors,
let’s be honest. Koalas are cute, so are otters and Foxes, Most of the big cats are making to look at. And so on and so forth but all these non pets have issues that make them very bad pets. Often very dangerous too. And nothing is going yo change that short of starting yo domesticate the thousands of years ago. And even that will have limited results. As frankly out two main pets are two of the more gentle animals in their wild state. And even then you can argue that cats are not that domesticated. It is just that when they hurt you (accidentally or otherwise) the are small enough that you generally only need a band aid or in extremes a couple stitches but a big cat will take off your arm.

So really there is very little that can be changed as far as pets go. You either need to change humans and what we like or you need to change the animals. This is not like we just started keeping cats and dogs because the Kardashians have them.
let’s be honest. Koalas are cute, so are otters and Foxes, Most of the big cats are making to look at. And so on and so forth but all these non pets have issues that make them very bad pets. Often very dangerous too. And nothing is going yo change that short of starting yo domesticate the thousands of years ago. And even that will have limited results. As frankly out two main pets are two of the more gentle animals in their wild state.

The famously gentle wolves? A.k.a. humanity's fiercest rival and greatest threat for most of human history?

Wolves aren't exactly bloodthirsty, but they aren't notably more gentle than any carnivores.
The problem is there are very very good reasons we have the pets we have and don’t have those we don’t,
Usially it is that the other animals are Dangerous and often very difficult to kerp as far as food and other factors,
let’s be honest. Koalas are cute, so are otters and Foxes, Most of the big cats are making to look at. And so on and so forth but all these non pets have issues that make them very bad pets. Often very dangerous too. And nothing is going yo change that short of starting yo domesticate the thousands of years ago. And even that will have limited results. As frankly out two main pets are two of the more gentle animals in their wild state. And even then you can argue that cats are not that domesticated. It is just that when they hurt you (accidentally or otherwise) the are small enough that you generally only need a band aid or in extremes a couple stitches but a big cat will take off your arm.

So really there is very little that can be changed as far as pets go. You either need to change humans and what we like or you need to change the animals. This is not like we just started keeping cats and dogs because the Kardashians have them.
So pet bears aren't a good idea despite the success of the Paddington stories?
Sugar gliders as pets were becoming a trend a few years ago. And, as far I know, they are low maintenance, so it could have become more popular if they gained enough momentum in those years.
Also, I know some people who have iguanas, chameleons, snakes or other kinds of reptiles, although those are more difficult to maintain and are not exactly considered "pretty", at least to your average joe.
And what about insects? Like the silk moths, who are totally dependent on humans to do anything, but it seems they never became popular enough to be considered more than silk producers.
The most likely answers are boring ones like "domestication of a different canid or felid like a lynx or coyote or something". Pigeons are even easier since historically they were domesticated.

The dodo and/or the Mascarenes Giant Tortoise would be fun.

As for sugar gliders, iirc the main problem is they're too social and don't do well alone - it's best to have at least two.