What if Mortal Kombat vs Street Fighter happened?

Ed Boon has gone on record saying in the past attempts at a Mortal Kombat vs Street Fighter game have been made but have fallen through thanks to certain factors like Capcom.

So what if Capcom had given the thumbs up? What if a game pitting the World Warriors vs the iconic Kombatants had come to fruition?

Now, for the specific dates involved? Well just for fun I did some digging and it turns out Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat already had a very very VERY minor "crossover" of sorts in their lambasted Saturday morning cartoon iterations

So for fun, let's say in TTL instead of the Warrior King saga on the silver screen, in 1996 MK vs SF hits arcades. What changes?
Ed Boon has gone on record saying in the past attempts at a Mortal Kombat vs Street Fighter game have been made but have fallen through thanks to certain factors like Capcom.

So what if Capcom had given the thumbs up? What if a game pitting the World Warriors vs the iconic Kombatants had come to fruition?

Now, for the specific dates involved? Well just for fun I did some digging and it turns out Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat already had a very very VERY minor "crossover" of sorts in their lambasted Saturday morning cartoon iterations

So for fun, let's say in TTL instead of the Warrior King saga on the silver screen, in 1996 MK vs SF hits arcades. What changes?
Would Capcom Allow it being all M Rated? if Yes it could imagine something on the Capcom Style with MK Gore. It would be running on CPS3
Oh dude! Thorgi's Arcade on youtube just made a build a roater video about mortal kombat vs street fighter! That's amazing!
Oh dude! Thorgi's Arcade on youtube just made a build a roater video about mortal kombat vs street fighter! That's amazing!
Yeah, that was actually this posts inspiration.

By the by, anyone got any ideas for the roster itself? Obviously just using Thorgi's video wouldn't work with the scenerios already put together dates and POD...
Well Capcom that same year in OTL released Resident Evil so I think they could use there strategie for those games, IE heavily censor it in Japan.
Or not released in Japan at all. But yeah a non fatality/ less blood/blood removed PG-13 version could be released on japan too
Ok so, I'm working out a theoretical roster for this game under the conditions and timing I've given this timeline. So-

First, overall roster size opinions? What do you all think would be a reasonable number for this theoretical game? I've been trying to hammer out a clear number based on games both franchises had released up to that point but been coming up blank.

Two, should I include Fei Long? He's already established at this point in SF and his Backstory and whole shtick would bounce great off Johnny Cage, but I'm unsure if he'd really be a name that at this point would qualify for a roster slot in this kind of game at this point even with the above stated points in his favor...
OK SO! slight update on the roster situation. Taking into account the rosters of other recent games from both series, how often certain characters popped up at what rate and I ultimately came up with this-

SF side
Fei Long
MK side
Liu Kang
Kung Lao
Johnny Cage
Shang Tsung

Also, yay or nay, bringing in Warrior King as a secret character. His original appearance got wiped in TTL but you could say some random butterfly lead to Boon getting his hands on the scrapped OG character concept art and what not for him and liking him enough to put him in?
I had an idea for a punk band called Street Kombat. It would be all MK and SF themed songs like Finish Him and For Me, It Was Tuesday, and I'd sing with a fake British accent like a 77 or UK 82 punk band and alot of "oi!". Never came to pass. Partly I was afraid of the lawsuits.
Also, yay or nay, bringing in Warrior King as a secret character. His original appearance got wiped in TTL but you could say some random butterfly lead to Boon getting his hands on the scrapped OG character concept art and what not for him and liking him enough to put him in?
Bring Him, but I think Capcom would want that character on their side(and so they keep the copyright, that's how Capcom operate fellas)
Hmm, I wonder what butterflies this could cause beyond the awsomness of the games mere existence...

Obviously the game itself has solid odds of being a financial success. Even if MK ain't big in Japan at all the SF brand would be enough to get quarters in machines there. International sales would obviously be a whole other story, by this point the series rivalry, especially in the states had been pretty well established. So an actual honest to goodness crossover would get fans out in force in. Given this and the way fighting game development at the time generally went by my own observation a sequel getting green-lighted and coming out sometime around 97 is definitely something I can see happening.

Hmm, Ed Boon has also stated to have liked the idea of doing a MK vs Tekken game and with MK vs SF's theoretical success mabey Namco could express interest in such a project?

Also, given the two companies gained cooperation, mabey they pay closer attention to eachother? Like say when Marvel vs Capcom hits they think to make an offer to Marvel's own rival resulting in a earlier (and mabey better?) Mortal Kombat vs DC?

I'll admit this is all just me spitballing.
Hmm, I wonder what butterflies this could cause beyond the awsomness of the games mere existence...

Obviously the game itself has solid odds of being a financial success. Even if MK ain't big in Japan at all the SF brand would be enough to get quarters in machines there. International sales would obviously be a whole other story, by this point the series rivalry, especially in the states had been pretty well established. So an actual honest to goodness crossover would get fans out in force in. Given this and the way fighting game development at the time generally went by my own observation a sequel getting green-lighted and coming out sometime around 97 is definitely something I can see happening.

Hmm, Ed Boon has also stated to have liked the idea of doing a MK vs Tekken game and with MK vs SF's theoretical success mabey Namco could express interest in such a project?

Also, given the two companies gained cooperation, mabey they pay closer attention to eachother? Like say when Marvel vs Capcom hits they think to make an offer to Marvel's own rival resulting in a earlier (and mabey better?) Mortal Kombat vs DC?

I'll admit this is all just me spitballing.
Maybe is Capcom and not Warner who pickup Midway?
Maybe is Capcom and not Warner who pickup Midway?
Hmm, definitely not impossible. The Warner Bros purchase came in 09 and Capcom woulda just exploded back onto the fighting game scene with SF IV in 08

This could straight up butterfly out the injustice series as whole.

Hell, mabey this is how MK vs Tekken comes about, via replacing Street Fighter vs Tekken through a combination of Ed Boon interest and butterflies!
Man I wish that this thread existed back when I was aged 9-10, I would have spent months, likely even years of writing a hyper-detailed MK vs. Tekken timeline, because calling this a dream would be a massive understatement.
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