What if Nero's Riegn was cut short?


What if, in December of 54 AD, less than one month after beginning his reign, Emperor Nero dies in an accident?

Who would take over as leader of the Roman Empire? I know the Empire did not have any real succession laws at the time. Technically, the office of Emperor didn't even exist. Would there be a civil war?
Wasn't Britannicus too young to become emperor at this time?
Apart from him, there were also Julia Vipsania's descendants.
Best case scenario Britannicus becomes emperor and is a good emperor and lasts a lifetime of 60-80 years. The other options is an elected Emperor from one of the lines distant relatives, like that of Marcus Junius Silanus. Worst case civil war, at this time its hard to say who would win or if it would ever end we could see a crisis like that of the 3rd century unfold, only to end by someone like Gnaeus Domitius Corbulo. I find it unlikely that Vespasianus would be able to become emperor in such a timeline however anything could happen


I just know so little about Roman politics at the time, and it is relevant for a timeline I am considering