What if the Aztecs did not do human sacrafice?

Or worse, the sun itself may have not risen. And it is kind of insulting to be called a savage. I perform sacrifices(granted, not human ones).

What exactly do you sacrifice? Because most everyone performs sacrifices. A 39 year-old may sacrifice the car of his dreams so his daughter can afford college. This is much different then offering up your dog to the sun god.
Nah the Sacrifices weren't savage. Besides most of them were quite willing participants. It was an honor to die for the gods! To die to save the world from never ending darkness and the destruction of the world itself!

What exactly do you sacrifice? Because most everyone performs sacrifices. A 39 year-old may sacrifice the car of his dreams so his daughter can afford college. This is much different then offering up your dog to the sun god.

Maybe he is a Mesoamerican Reconstructionist? http://www.amoxtli.org/cuezali/not.html
Anything that invovles any sort of sacrafices is savagry in my book.

No, sacrifices ARE a religious phenomenon, Aztecs sacrificed people as an organized, sophisticate cerimony to guarant the sun will rise and rain keeps coming. T3h_shammy keeeps forghetting that sevagery is not a thing associated with bloodyness, but to the lak of organization and sophistication


The Aztecs had a three-week-long festival devoted to skinning people alive. They were some creepy-ass fucking savages.
No, sacrifices ARE a religious phenomenon, Aztecs sacrificed people as an organized, sophisticate cerimony to guarant the sun will rise and rain keeps coming. T3h_shammy keeeps forghetting that sevagery is not a thing associated with bloodyness, but to the lak of organization and sophistication

I dunno, cutting people open is pretty savage no matter why or how you do it. Except on the operating table, of course ;)'

The Greeks did the same thing, and it was just as savage.
He'll stop once Kiat stops calling people savages. Seriously, that's very derogatory and potentially offensive.

It's a deliberate misinterpretation of a Christian ritual used to illustrate the way Christians (Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Communists, enter your religion of choice) deliberately misconstrue other religions rituals in order to make them appear savage

Which in no way takes away from the savagery of cannibalism. However, consider the belief behind the doctrine of transubstantiation (sp?). If you truly believe that then surely it implies that you are in actual fact cannibalising Jesus?
These sacrifices were necessary to keep the mob in fear, confusion, and restraint. I don’t know if the Aztecs were specially gifted in organizing this sort of entertainment when compared to a multitude of other tribes around them. The inquisition worked the same way actually, with the exception the victims were punished rather than offered. Saying that the Aztecs were savages and the Spaniards were not may have been valid back then, but today there is not much of a difference.
The sacrificial system actually drove the rapid expansion of the Aztec empire. The constant need for victims made it necessary to expand and conquer.

Valdemar II

Which in no way takes away from the savagery of cannibalism. However, consider the belief behind the doctrine of transubstantiation (sp?). If you truly believe that then surely it implies that you are in actual fact cannibalising Jesus?

So what? Jesus willingly give his flesh and blood to us, to getting your heart cut out on a altar show less willingless for the partipants part.
So what? Jesus willingly give his flesh and blood to us, to getting your heart cut out on a altar show less willingless for the partipants part.

Actually thery quite did go willing-most of them. Not all of them I suppose you can't generalize that much but indeed Human Sacrifice was considered an honor amongst the Central American folk.


Actually thery quite did go willing-most of them. Not all of them I suppose you can't generalize that much but indeed Human Sacrifice was considered an honor amongst the Central American folk.

A large part of sacrifcees were prisoners of war. Now seeing how sacrificing prisoenrs of war was a part of general, wider central mexican culture at that time one could maybe describe them as semivoluntary, too, but that would be stretching it. Generally, while, yes, human sacrifices were hardly unique to Mesoamerica, the Atztecs seriously did overdo it, from all accounts.

If they did not... well, they might have lacked the drive to establish their Empire, but if they do establish somthing like it, less human sacrifices would be a major improvment. The constant need for sacrificees was one reason for resistance of the subjugates peoples, and the Atztecs of course were not averse to a (ceremonial) war now and then to get aforementioned prisoners of war.
Wasn't there an Aztec emperor who attempted to enforce monotheism based on a white skinned god who abhored human sacrifice?
Wasn't there an Aztec emperor who attempted to enforce monotheism based on a white skinned god who abhored human sacrifice?

Now there was however a Texcoco king who tried to enforce a cult based on a feathered god who abhorred human sacrifice. But it wasn't the leader of the whole Empire, just one of the main cities. And it wasn't no whitey, it was a giant mystical snake. Covered in feathers. Very different.


What exactly do you sacrifice? Because most everyone performs sacrifices. A 39 year-old may sacrifice the car of his dreams so his daughter can afford college. This is much different then offering up your dog to the sun god.

Small animals. Mice, Birds, stray cats, whatever I can scrounge up that isn't owned by another person really. And I am not a Mesoamerican reconstructionist. More a Norse one. It isn't particularly brutal, I sedate them prior(To burn it alive or slit its throat alive is a bit cruel even by my standards).

And for the sake of internet cliche:

Blood for the Blood Gods!


The Aztecs had a three-week-long festival devoted to skinning people alive.

even if that's true (source, please).....the Pharoahs impaled people on little pyramids; what's your point?

This is seriously pushing it, Keenir. There's no ritual cannibalism in Christianity, there's ritual fake cannibalism.

no ritual cannibalism? "this is my body, given for you" sounds pretty damming.

Don't be so inflammatory.

I have no intention of setting you on fire.
no ritual cannibalism? "this is my body, given for you" sounds pretty damming.

He just said that they practiced fake cannibalism. By the way, I believe in transubstantiation, but that doesn't mean that I believe that sanctified wine is physical blood, the kind of thing that you could inject into a vein. I don't believe that the holy sacrament is merely symbolic either, it's a bit more complicated than that.

As for human sacrifice, honestly, I can't believe that anyone is trying to defend it. I've always thought that human sacrifice was one of the few things that was completely indefensible. I believe one person said that it wasn't savage because it was heavily organized, honestly, the Nazis had a very well organized system of genocide, does its organization stop it from being barbaric?



Now there was however a Texcoco king who tried to enforce a cult based on a feathered god who abhorred human sacrifice. But it wasn't the leader of the whole Empire, just one of the main cities. And it wasn't no whitey, it was a giant mystical snake. Covered in feathers. Very different.

Quetzalcoatl? But didnt the Toltecs bring mass human sacrifices to Chichen Itza exactly as part of its cult? Cant that damn feathered snake make up its mind? ;)
Quetzalcoatl? But didnt the Toltecs bring mass human sacrifices to Chichen Itza exactly as part of its cult? Cant that damn feathered snake make up its mind? ;)
The Toltecs did bring mass sacrifice to Chichen Itza, but I don't think the sacrifices themselves were in the name of Quetzalcoatl.


The ritual human sacrifice does not really bother me what pisses me off is they killed thier best instead of their worst

they killed the winners their best generals the best sport players
He just said that they practiced fake cannibalism. By the way, I believe in transubstantiation, but that doesn't mean that I believe that sanctified wine is physical blood, the kind of thing that you could inject into a vein. I don't believe that the holy sacrament is merely symbolic either, it's a bit more complicated than that.

As for human sacrifice, honestly, I can't believe that anyone is trying to defend it. I've always thought that human sacrifice was one of the few things that was completely indefensible. I believe one person said that it wasn't savage because it was heavily organized, honestly, the Nazis had a very well organized system of genocide, does its organization stop it from being barbaric?

The doctorine of transubstantiation is by its very definition the belief that the bread and wine become the body and blood of Christ during cCommunion. Hence the magnificent quote: 'My God is not a biscuit'. Catholics still believe that transubstantiation is a miracle that actually metamorhposises bread and wine into flesh adn blood, whereas Protestants who practice communion merely take it symbolically.
It all depends upon which flavour of ridiculous mythology you choose to believe. . .