WI: Isabella Clara Eugenia becomes Queen of France?


(If people feel this is too ASB, I'm ok with it being moved to the ASB forum. I think it is plausible)

This timeline starts with the 1592 papal conclave. In the last 2 conclaves, the candidate preferred by the King of Spain had always won. This time, that candidate was Giulio Antonio Santori. However, IOTL, he lost to Ippolito Aldobrandini, OTL Pope Clement VIII. ITTL, however, Santori wins and becomes Pope.

Later, under orders from King Philip II, he does everything he can to discourage Henry III of Navarre from rejoining the Catholic faith, demanding outrageous and humiliating penances and gifts to the church. His pride stung, Henry doubles down on Protestantism, and declares that not even for France would he grovel to the Pope.

As a result, the Isabella Clara Eugenia is crowed as sovereign Queen of France, with the support of Spain and her Catholic allies (IOTL, the Parlement de Paris did declare her the rightful sovereign of France)

What would France be like after this change in history, and how would it affect European history in the 17th century?