WI No Onin War

POD in 1459 Hino Tomiko gives birth to a healthy baby boy who goes on to succeed Ashakagi Yoshimasa as shogun without any controversy. Does this merely delay the Sengoku or is there a real chance that it is averted altogether?
Almost surely just a delay. It's actually already pretty impressive that the Ashikaga managed to keep a massive war from erupting for that long given how weak they were. They had very little land of their own and very few direct vassals. The shugo-daimyo had become far too entrenched and far too powerful as they controlled the only form of taxation that was still viable (labour), and the Ashikaga lacked the tools that the Tokugawa later developed to keep feudal lords on check.
The Sengoku Jidai is delayed but not by much. The Ashikaga were extremely weak by this point, never really recovering from the aborted Kenmu Restoration. By the early 1400s, the Sengoku (or something similar) is near inevitable. Pretty much every viable method of taxation was in the hands of Daimyo, rather than the Bakufu. It's a question of "Who and When" rather than "If and How" when it comes to rebellion.