WI: Viking Chip Log

Would it have a significant difference if the Vikings had invented the Chip Log to figure out how fast a ship sailed? if yes, what would said difference result in... more extensive exploration?


I think they already went as far as was practically possible in open boats - no matter if you knew your speed or not.

Their seamanship sure was very impressive but it really wasn't open sea navigation, but rather going alongside the coastline or jumping islands with only a few days or perhaps a week with no land in sight. I'm sure that went wrong for a lot we haven't head about since then, but enough could navigate on waves, current and stars to arrive and get back and tell. Knowing the speed better would of course be helpful in the days with no land in sight but I don't think enough to make a difference as they already were quite good in telling from waves, current, birdlife etc. about where they were. and those who weren't good enough didn't live long enough to ask for a chip log.
Left in the shade by the Polynesian voyagers for long distance open boat travel. Although to be fair to the Norse, the weather in their part of the world was pretty violent.