"I remember the disorganized Union retreat, neither side had their forces deployed effectively. McDowell sent the 2nd and 3rd Divisions to get the Confederates' left, while the 1st Division marched forward on the stone bridge. Things already ran into problems with logistics at that point with things such as inadequate roads."

"Richardson's brigade fired artillery onto the Confederates' right. Only one brigade was spotted with forces underwhelming as a response and soon their left flank was underpropped and outarmed, been reinforced soon enough. Slowing any attempts at a flank, but Sherman's brigade's surprise attack coupled with that shocked Confederate forces. Our failure here with foresight, is that we didn't press our forces upon this, instead restorting to artillery."

"With reinforcements rebuilding the disorganized Confederates, soon the Union was in retreat as well, as a fierce artillery duel, before a good chunk of Union guns were captured, and then a charge on Rickett's guns captured those as well, changing the course of the battle."

"As under Miles's division which acted as rear security, I watched as Union forces fled towards Centreville, and the people having picnics fled as well alongside them. McDowell was relieved of command as the scapegoat for this mess and the start of the bloody road of Richmond began."

- From Adolph von Steinwehr's Memoirs

[a] This is historical, as Bull Run ended in a Union retreat and this is a rough runthrough of a Union look at things. I chose Adolph Von Steinwehr as the voice for the Battle of Bull Run, considering that I thought a German-American voice would be nice, as we smooth into German-American relations building up the the War to End All Wars So-Thought. The actual change will probably begin at the Battle of Glendale.
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"Confederate General Robert E. Lee and the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia has came to see 7 days of Battles under the Union's Peninsula Campaign, starting in the Union offensive of Oak Grove, but McCellan's fall-off as Robert E. Lee staged a set of attacks on the following days. Glendale was the last chance to cut off the Army of Potomac, who were halted by indecent roads, and were in retreat towards Harrison's Landing."

"Robert E. Lee planned a coordinated attack with the Army of Northern Virginia to converge of McCellan's Army of the Potomac in retreat, running high on the Confederate Victory in Gaines' Hill. With Huger clearing the Charles City Road[1], and with John B. Magruder joining behind him by Robert E. Lee's order."

"Along side the Army of Potomac running into the issue of with the third division of the V Corps which was ordered to take a defensive position, lost in the dark and failing to arrive until near dawn, and even then halting on it's march to rejoin Porter, for new orders. Through, the gap in the Union Line was noticed and filled by McCall's three brigades."

"A.P Hill's, Longstreet's, Huger's concentrated assault on the main Union concentration proved successful as with Jackson pulling together a spirited attack that cutting off the Army of the Potomac[2], leaving the Confederates a solid victory in the Battle of Glendale."

"With such an utter Union defeat, Lee was free to invade Maryland and capture Harper's Ferry, smashing John Pope's Army of Virginia. With both McCellan and Pope disgraced, the Union was in turmoil.[3]"

- History of the War of Southern Succession by James Ford Rhodes

[1] Ahistorical. Huger in OTL made his men create his own road and refused to any alternate paths, fearing counterattack. He just takes a a different course of action.

[2] In OTL, Huger was unable to to join the concentrated assault on Union Forces due his issues, but without them he coordinates earlier and better with the Confederate Army at large in this battle. Alongside this "Stonewall" Jackson efforts are more through and not "unspirited".

[3] The aftereffects of the Battle of Glendale, which is what puts the Union in trouble with the Confederacy winning battles on Union Territory, Lincoln's re-election rate doesn't look good, alongside the person that now leads the Army of Potomac isn't the best general...
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