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  1. Tucker Dwynn

    Island in the Sea of Time movie???

    Has anyone ever heard of there is a movie or TV series based on this trilogy in teh works? Did S.M. Sterling ever sell the movie/TV rights to a studio? (not trying to be nosey into his money, just curious if there was ever any interest...)
  2. Tucker Dwynn

    Let's Nudge that Rock a bit...

    Story Link: Lets say that rock that hit Norway on Wednesday morning, with the same power as the Hiroshima bomb but with no radiation, was a couple of degrees off, and hit further south... Lets say somewhere near the French/German...
  3. Tucker Dwynn

    Help finding book please

    I was trying to find a book, written in the ninties I think, about a second (modern) Mexican-American War. Does anyone have any ideas??? It had an orangish cover, with a Bradly fighting vehicle on it.
  4. Tucker Dwynn

    American Siberia

    At one point I belive Seward wanted to buy Siberia up to the 135th longitude. Say the Russian accepted with the provisio that the line would cut back to the east at the closetest approach to the Sea of Okhotsk, leaving Russia it's Pacific Seaports. How would this area develop? How would...
  5. Tucker Dwynn

    Book: Weapons of Choice

    Anyone else here, read this book? Thoughts, ideas, ...?
  6. Tucker Dwynn

    WI: A Tougher Spanish American War

    What If: The Spanish are better prepared durring the Spanish-American War, put up a much harder fight. American losses are heavier at sea, and on land. (Theo Roosevelt still lives though). Would America demand more durring the Peace talks? Would they hold onto thier new possesions harder...
  7. Tucker Dwynn

    The Conch Republic

    This happens The Conch Republic was born on April 23rd of 1982 in response to a United States Border blockade of the Florida Keys. Since the United States Government insisted on treating the Keys like a foreign country; Key West Mayor Dennis Wardlow seceded from the Union, declared war...
  8. Tucker Dwynn

    What if oil...

    There was a story on Yahoo today. The link to the story is... It's about turning AgroWaste into Oil. The What If here is what happens when this tech becomes comonplace, and they can produce oil at $15-$20 a barrel? The US produces enough...
  9. Tucker Dwynn

    Which should be made into TV or Movie?

    Which do y'all think should be made into a TV series or a movie, Island in a Sea of Time, or 1632?
  10. Tucker Dwynn

    Depopulation of East Asia

    In early 2004, the Bird flu epidemic crosses the species barrier, and spreads like a wildfire from SE Asia, up into China proper. Japan, Taiwan, Australia, and New Zealand, stop all air and ship traffic, as to decrease the likelyhood of the flu spreading into their contries. North and South...