Icarus: A Climate TL

Redo the evacuation of LA?

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Are there any equivalent areas in the United States right now?
Nevada, Utah, Montana, Wyoming... Pretty much all of the Mountain West, Great Plains, and Upper South. Also the parts of Washington and Oregon not by the coast or the Columbia River.
Meta: Redo the Evacuation of LA?
I originally intended for this scenario to be a one-off with the CNN graphic. But obviously I've put in a lot more work since then and it's pretty obvious that the whole Evacuation of LA event that started this whole thing is patently unrealistic. I've tried to water it down a bit with in-universe explanations but they seem to fall flat to me. So I guess I'll ask the rest of y'all: Should I either A: keep the evacuation of LA in its current form, B: change it to be some other form of carnage in LA (riots, day zero water restrictions, food shortages, etc.), or C: just remove it completely.

If either Option B or C is chosen, I'll redo the CNN and New York Times graphics (or just start entirely from scratch); if Option A is chosen, I'll just slightly modify them to make the evacuation more realistic.
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I'd say B for the sake of realism. This is a fantastic timeline and I always am eager to see more content out of it, but it's important to make sure everything lines up well.
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Home > Group Dossiers > Governmental Organizations > Multinational > United Nations > United Nations Environment Programme > Office of Human Continuity

Name:United Nations Office of Human Continuity
Abbreviations or acronyms:UNOHC, OHC, Continuity
Logo or Seal:View attachment 770521
Motto:Humanity is won by continuing to play in face of certain defeat
Formed:December 7, 2018
Affiliated with:United Nations, United Nations Environment Programme
Headquarters:Oslo, Norway
Executive or leader:Ashok Khosla (India)
Active duty forces:3,000 peacekeeping and security personnel
Level of Concern:0 (Nominal)
Web Site:unohc.org

The Office of Human Continuity is a division of the United Nations Environment Programme. It is responsible for advancing sustainable development, overseeing and assisting projects combating the effects and causes of climate change, and preparing human civilization in case of total ecological collapse. It advocates for the "eight sustainable development markers," represented on its logo. There have been controversy and incidents concerning some of the Office's programs, both in developed and developing countries.

While the Office's main headquarters are in Oslo, it also maintains a significant presence in New York, Longyearbyen, Stockholm, and Auckland. It maintains a significant number of peacekeeping personnel in coordination with UN Peacekeeping.

Below is an automatically-updating list of items relating to the Office of Human Continuity. OrgTracker is not responsible for the content of external sites.
  • UN News: Spanish citizens cheer on groundbreaking of anti-desertification program — August 28, 2022
  • Globe and Mail: Government recalls US ambassador over water controversy — August 21, 2022
  • UN News: WMO says climate effects on Gulf Stream require more research — August 20, 2022
  • UN News: Genetically-modified plants may stop ocean acidification in its tracks — August 19, 2022
  • UN News: Over 60 nations meet in Stockholm for responsible cloud seeding use — August 14, 2022
  • Al Jazeera English: UAE refuses to participate in UN cloud seeding negotiations — August 13, 2022
  • Las Vegas Review-Journal: Clark County nearing completion of $200 million urban shading program — August 12, 2022
  • UN News: 'Project Alexandria': Thousands of books will soon be transferred to Svalbard to be kept for future generations — August 7, 2022
  • BBC News: Four injured in terror attack at Istanbul UN office — August 2, 2022
  • USA Today: Homes with private bunkers see skyrocketing prices — July 29, 2022
Did you design the logo yourself?

Sidenote, I quite like the name Project Alexandria. Sounds quite fitting considering what it's meant to do.
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Did you design the logo yourself?

Sidenote, I quite like the name Project Alexandria. Sounds quite fitting considering what it's meant to do.


And yes, both the DOEA and UNOHC logos were made by me in Inkscape (disclaimer: I barely know how to use the program).
And yes, both the DOEA and UNOHC logos were made by me in Inkscape (disclaimer: I barely know how to use the program).
Still doesn't make it any less impressive. This is stuff I'd expect to see from actual government agencies and international orgs - and you pretty much nailed it. Good job.
There is much more investment into vertical farming and anti-desertification, and some of those projects have started to bear fruit. Oil production is also lower than OTL... and that's about it.
So LA got evacuated... What about San Francisco?

Anyway, I am curious why Europe hates the US now, aside from the usual reasons.


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B, with A happening later down the line if (when...) the timeline ever gets to that point.

I don't think I said it, so I will: I saw your news articles and website designs for A World Avoided, and was deeply intrigued especially how they were "happening" around the pace of OTL. Having followed Tresckow's Soylent Green TL and hearing about this being made into a timeline proper there, all I can say is I love your work so far and can't wait to see what'll come next!
B, with A happening later down the line if (when...) the timeline ever gets to that point.
Ooh, that’d be interesting. I think that makes sense in-universe as well. Los Angeles is a tinderbox, something sets it alight, and it burns down. In the chaos, the DOEA or FEMA (whichever agency handles this sort of thing) evacuates the city. I’d vote for that as an option if I could.
I just noticed something on the CNN graphic.

Did China annex Taiwan in this TL?
That is pretty implausible. China shouldn't even be around in it's current form without the US guaranteeing the international order. We'd be more likely to see a headline about ongoing violence and warlordism in China. Famine? Not an emergency or newsworthy in the ATL china what with the whole environmental damage combined with warlordism and China not getting the food and fuel it imports OTL.