MCA Finishes Purchase of 1930s/40s Fleischer Brothers Cartoon Library
Excerpt from The Hollywood Reporter, 10 May 1993 [2]
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While rumors of USA Networks and one of its two parent companies - MCA - creating a spinoff of the USA Cartoon Express block were unfounded for a while, the latest media acquisition by MCA dispels such speculation into the spotlight. MCA, in a surprising move, has finalized the purchase of the renowned Fleischer Brothers Cartoon Library, a treasure trove of animation history dating back to the 1930s and 1940s. The acquisition, valued at an estimated $50 million, includes the rights to a vast catalog of classic animated shorts produced by Max and Dave Fleischer, and the related Famous Studios company.

The most credible rumors swirling around allege that the network’s name is called “Anix” - for “Animation Express”. The name was likely chosen to avoid confusion of “Cartoon Express” with Turner Broadcasting’s Cartoon Network - which has also made a name for itself in the world of cable television with its vast library of cartoons - from Warner Brothers to MGM to Hanna-Barbera. A hypothetical “Anix” network would have a programming library consisting of Universal’s own cartoon library - consisting of classic characters such as Woody Woodpecker and Oswald the Lucky Rabbit - their recent acquisition in the form of the Harvey Comics brand and cartoons, and now this recent purchase at its launch.

Critics however, point out the weakness of Universal’s animation division….
Cool! A new cartoon channel is on the rise? I wish Anix good luck! I wonder how well it will do against Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon and The Disney Channel.
In the short term, mostly up until about 1995 - I'd figure due to the long productions cycles of animated movies that those released up until that point will be mostly the same. This means movies the likes of Aladdin, Batman: Mask of the Phantasm, The Lion King, and even more subpar animated films like Tom & Jerry: The Movie or A Troll in Central Park would be roughly the same as OTL (there might be say, a few voice cast changes for The Lion King but it's still Disney's crowning achievement of their Renaissance era; maybe A Troll in Central Park gets a better release date yet is still thrashed by critics) - if not exactly the same as some of these said movies were completed before Yodelin' Yaks aired.
Sorry that I'm replying to an old comment, but I'm pretty sure that Don Bluth's A Troll in Central Park will still bomb at the box office and will still be hated by critics. Warner Bros barely promoted the film and it only had a limited release. But to be fare, anything can happen and maybe WB will decide to give the film at lest some promotion, though it will probably still flop at the box office.

Anix will be a channel, but you will be surprised on the form it takes when it comes into fruition.
Sounds cool.
I think the truth is always in between..I think those two loved each their unique way...but when Kurt loved music, the money was a nice bonus...HE SEMS NEVER WANTED TO BE A SUPERSTAR AND STARTED TO HATE/OR ALWAYS HATED THE FAME like you said, he wanted to live making music, and becoming the icon of the GEN X/early millenials was something he never wanted at all. BUT COURTNEY TRULY LOVED AND COVENTED THE SPOTLIGHT, that was something that would make them clash... but I think genuinely they loved each other...but love is dynamic, not static... i think long term those two would have break up but stay friendly and pass time because their daughter(especially as kurt biggest fear was becoming like his father who abandoned him)
Yeah. Like I said, I think the situation is a lot more complicated and nuanced than stuff like “Courtney Love killed Kurt Cobain” or “Kurt Cobain hurt Courtney Love even though she was the sane one”. I think that to an extent both of them were messed up (Courtney probably edges out Kurt in sanity though, but her antics bothering Dave and Krist have shown a meaner side to her as well), but in the end the two loved each other.

Of course with all the unwanted media attention Kurt attracted is obviously didn’t help their fragile relationship.
Sorry that I'm replying to an old comment, but I'm pretty sure that Don Bluth's A Troll in Central Park will still bomb at the box office and will still be hated by critics. Warner Bros barely promoted the film and it only had a limited release. But to be fare, anything can happen and maybe WB will decide to give the film at lest some promotion, though it will probably still flop at the box office.
Eh…. post-Spielberg Bluth was treading thin ice, so I’ll give you that. Plus, since the film was completed in 1992 it will be the same as OTL. What I said was really just an example of what you guys can expect to change in the first 3 years after “Yodelin’ Yaks” was released. Although there are plenty of examples of films that were thrashed by critics yet did well at the box office.
Eh…. post-Spielberg Bluth was treading thin ice, so I’ll give you that. Plus, since the film was completed in 1992 it will be the same as OTL. What I said was really just an example of what you guys can expect to change in the first 3 years after “Yodelin’ Yaks” was released. Although there are plenty of examples of films that were thrashed by critics yet did well at the box office.
Very true indeed.
News, Headlines and Articles: June 1993
Atari Delays Next Console, Showcases Non-Functional Mockup at Summer 1993 CES
Excerpt from Electronic Gaming Monthly, 6 June 1993 [1]

Hopefully, it doesn't look like this

Among the many showcases that have been present during this summer’s Consumer Electronics Show include what would have been a working prototype of an upcoming console - made by the fallen titan of the video game industry - Atari. Called the Atari Jaguar - this next-generation console was expected to leapfrog the competition with its touted "64-bit" architecture, a significant jump from the 16-bit systems dominating the market. However, attendees were met with a surprising turn of events as Atari unveiled a non-functional mockup instead of the anticipated working prototype.

Atari's decision to delay the Jaguar's launch is seen as a direct response to the recent announcement of the SNES-CD partnership between Nintendo and Philips. This can clearly be seen in this prototype’s deviation from its originally planned medium of ROM cartridges to CDs. Such a move would make it easier for third-party developers to publish games on the Jaguar, potentially opening up a wider range of content and allowing for more complex and detailed games that could compete with the offerings of the SNES-CD.

On the other hand, Atari's situation is further complicated by the financial and developmental hurdles that come with launching a new console. The video game industry is notorious for its high stakes and rapid evolution, and Atari's delay may give its competitors an edge. However, Atari insists that the extra time will allow them to fine-tune the Jaguar, ensuring that when it does hit the market, it will offer a gaming experience unparalleled by its rivals.

Despite the setback, Atari's limited showcase at CES was not entirely without merit. The company provided detailed specs of the Jaguar's hardware, including its custom graphics and sound processors, and a versatile controller designed to cater to a wide range of video games. Furthermore, Atari teased a lineup of games in development…..

Nintendo Punches Up with New Label Deal with Philips Interactive Media
Excerpt from GamePro, 11 June 1993 [2]


For so long, Sega fans have told off Nintendo fans for their games and consoles being for the young and the young at heart - while Sega is the bad boy of the gaming world. But the tides are turning as Nintendo surprised gamers with the unexpected announcement that they’re taking their partnership with Philips - the ones that will be bringing us the Super Nintendo’s CD add-on this Christmas - to a whole nother level.

It’s been a rough last year for Philips since their own console bombed because of their busted controllers and lame game library, but Nintendo is set to change that. Philips Interactive Media is getting a fresh new rebrand with Nintendo buying up half the brand to revamp the game division, ensuring that the issues that plagued Philips' previous console are a thing of the past. With Nintendo's reputation for quality and innovation now backing Philips, the stage is set for an impressive comeback.

Philips Interactive Media, under Nintendo's guidance, is poised to launch a lineup of games that will cater to the tastes of older gamers, a demographic that has been somewhat neglected by Nintendo in the past. These games are expected to feature……..

Ethiopia - Coalition Partner - To Hold Status Referendum in Eastern Somalia Administration Zone
Excerpt from The New York Times, 18 June 1993 [3]

Weird Referendum Ballot FINAL.png

English recreation of initial ballot

In a move that surprised and confused many political observers, Ethiopia - who has prominently participated in the efforts to occupy and rebuild war-torn Somalia - announced a territorial status referendum to be held in the sparsely-populated Eastern Somalia Administration Zone. This zone, which has long been a source of contention between Somalia and Ethiopia, encompasses a vast expanse of territory inhabited primarily by ethnic Somali communities. It has also been the site of numerous border clashes between Ethiopia and Somalia prior to the latter’s collapse of central authority in 1991.

The United States under the Clinton administration has allowed the referendum to take place - under the condition that said referendum is monitored by the United Nations to be free and fair. This is despite Ethiopia’s historically poor human rights record towards its population - particularly among its ethnic Afar and Amhara groups. To geopolitical and human rights observers, their concern is not unwarranted - as evidenced by the strange referendum ballot released as a guide for the upcoming event.

Unlike traditional referendum ballots, which typically present at least two clear options - Yes or No - the two answers are divided into 10 different rankings. 1 represents the least strong inclination towards the option, whereas 10 represents the strongest inclination towards the option. This has yielded questions such as…..

U.S. Strikes Iraq for Plot to Kill Bush
Excerpt from The Washington Post, 27 June 1993 [4]

U.S. Navy ships launched 23 Tomahawk missiles against the headquarters of the Iraqi Intelligence Service yesterday in what President Clinton said was a "firm and commensurate" response to Iraq's plan to assassinate former president George Bush in mid-April.

The attack was meant to strike at the building where Iraqi officials had plotted against Bush, organized other unspecified terrorist actions and directed repressive internal security measures, senior U.S. officials said.

Clinton, speaking in a televised address to the nation at 7:40 last night, said he ordered the attack to send three messages to the Iraqi leadership: "We will combat terrorism. We will deter aggression. We will protect our people."

Clinton said he ordered the attack…..

[1] Obviously the Jaguar went with cartridges IOTL. But whether the console’s use of CDs right out of the gate rather than as a shoddily built add-on will save it and Atari from commercial failure remains to be seen.

[2] Basically, think of Philips Interactive Media to Nintendo as Touchstone Pictures (or 20th Century Studios IOTL modern day) was to Disney - a mature label used on products to avoid spoiling the main brand’s family friendly orientation.

[3] Given Ethiopia’s loss of sea access with Eritrea becoming independent, one would be inclined to hear those concerns out.

[4] OTL.
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Jaguar's hardware, including its custom graphics and sound processors
That because tramiel fired all the video game engineers, Atari lacked the know how to make a console,even they fucked up flare tech efforts,trammiel was a fucking cancer for the poor company. Regardless you cant make a worse console that otl One,even the Pippin and pc-fx were more functional
That because tramiel fired all the video game engineers, Atari lacked the know how to make a console,even they fucked up flare tech efforts,trammiel was a fucking cancer for the poor company. Regardless you cant make a worse console that otl One,even the Pippin and pc-fx were more functional
Yeah, post-1983 Atari still being a shell of its former self means that I wouldn't count on the Jaguar being too successful even ITTL.
Also guys, my apologies - but there was an error in my last update regarding the Somalia situation. I meant "Eastern" Somalia (from East of the Shebelle River up to Somaliland's claimed borders) not "Western" Somalia. That mistake has been corrected.
Also guys, my apologies - but there was an error in my last update regarding the Somalia situation. I meant "Eastern" Somalia (from East of the Shebelle River up to Somaliland's claimed borders) not "Western" Somalia. That mistake has been corrected.
Why not make it a greater Somalia war
Yeah, post-1983 Atari still being a shell of its former self means that I wouldn't count on the Jaguar being too successful even ITTL.
At least it wouldn't be a memetic disaster like it was otl, just a more conventional flop, it will already have it hard with 3DO and Sony coming soon